
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Marbled Matcha Peach Tea Chiffon Cake

I never quite had a fascination for tea like the one I had for chocolate. I have now amassed enough varieties of chocolate at home to fill up one entire shelf of my baking supplies collection.  Anyways, this all changed after an outing with my bestie to TWG Tea Salon & Boutique to celebrate her birthday. I always thought that their selection of teas were confined to the sole shelf of packaged teas they have, until I opened their full tea menu.

Gosh, there were soooo many varieties of tea that I didn't even know where to begin. Spoilt for choice, we decided to ask the service staff for recommendations instead of getting lost in all the different varieties available. We settled for Snow Needles Tea, a light, floral tea perfect for the evening to accompany our macaron selection. Yes, macarons...I do love TWG's macarons for their lovely texture, balanced level of sweetness and the alluring tea-infused flavours. They were oh so goood! I decided there and then that I have to try my hand at using tea in my baked goods.

Up till now, I've only dabbled with using matcha powder in cakes and cookies. I've always wanted to posess a good variety of earl grey tea to use it in madeleines, macarons and tea cakes. So far, I haven't bought one yet and am looking for a nice one to try. Any suggestions?

I scanned my tiny tea collection for inspiration and spotted my Twinings Peach Tea. An idea came to mind and I decided to incorporate peach tea and matcha into a marbled chiffon cake. The fruity tea flavours melded perfectly and I love the resulting sweet smelling fragrance of the tea leaves in this chiffon...lovely :).

I left the tea leaves in the chiffon instead of filtering them out. Reviews from my friends on that were alright and they didn't feel it tasted weird or awful, which was a relief to me. This cake is so light and soft that I finished close to half a cake at one go - perfect to enjoy with a good cuppa tea on a cool, rainy day :).

Marbling cakes is one of the best ways to get 2 of my favourite flavours into the same cake, and it produces a pretty swirly effect too. I love looking at such pretty marbled cakes...somehow it cheers me up instantly...haha.

I used the base recipe from my last Chocolate Chiffon Cake and made slight adjustments for the replacement of cocoa powder with matcha powder and peach tea. I'm a little lazy today to post up the recipe but do drop me a note if you would like me to share that alright? I'd be happy to type them out in a while :).


  1. 这个口味的伯爵茶还没试过,听起来好特别哦!这种清爽的戚风我想我会喜欢的:)

  2. Allie, love the colour combination. Haven't tried peach tea in baking, next time should give it a try :)

  3. Allie, this is such a refreshing combi! gonna try this out when i can! thanks for sharing!

  4. Beautiful marble chiffon, love the combination!

  5. Hi Allie, interesting combo of green tea and peach tea flavors in the delighting chiffon cake. Hope to see your recipe soon. :)

  6. @Agnes: Thanks! The tea combination is pretty refreshing, will post the recipe soon!

    @DG: Thanks!

    @Aimei: Thank you!

  7. What a clever idea to infuse tea leaves into your cake!

    Anyway I love TWG's earl grey tea although for a more price-conscious option, twining's early grey is pretty good as well :)
