
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Stamped Shortbreads

It was a special occasion, our 5 month anniversary, and we reached the point where we needed more grace in our relationship. Though I know "anniversary" is not quite the right word to describe it, but still, we used it used it anyway. Thought it would be nice to make something sweet and personal for him...and stamped shortbreads came up. I used a simple recipe from Daily Delicious and the cute little wordpress I had to create these. I have to say, I think they look pretty cute!

These were so easy to make that I had a dozen other cookie ideas as I was shaping them before baking. I can totally visualise how people will be so happy to receive personalised cookies like this!

To showcase the wordings, I packed them in a transparent box with a simple ribbon for the recipient. All the words that I wanted to say, prepared in the form that I know best - cookies.

And here's the recipes :).

Stamped Shortbreads
adapted from Daily Delicious

100g unsalted butter (cold and cut into pieces)
⅛tsp salt
40g icing sugar
120g cake flour
45g rice flour

1. Place the butter into a bowl and sift cake flour, rice flour, icing sugar and salt over the butter.
2. Cut the butter and flour mixture into small pieces (or you can use your fingers), when the mixture looks like small bits of bread crumb, pour out of the bowl onto a work surface.
3. Knead the crumbs until stick together and smooth.
4.Wrap with the plastic, flatten the dough into the shape of a disk, refrigerate for 1-2 hours.
5. When ready to back, preheat the oven to 160°C
6. Roll the dough until 5mm thick. Cut into the desired shapes, place on the prepared baking sheet and stamp the cookies with the prepared wordpress
7. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until a light golden colour.


  1. Very cute cookies!! I think I am going to make some of them. May I ask where did you get the plastic gift container? I have trying to get cookie gift box like this for a very long time. Thanks.

  2. @Aimei: Thanks!

    @Honey boy: Thank you! I got the plastic boxes from Daiso, the Vivocity outlet actually. They're good and versatile!

  3. Thanks Allie ! I shall go get some to make somethig like yours. Very simple yet pretty as a gift. Thanks!!

  4. So delicious and yet simple to make. Thank you so much for the recipe :)
